1. What is the main point of this article?
_The main point of this article is how the global warming effect the environment.
2. Four vocabulary words
· Monsoon - Seasonal wind blowing from southwest in the summer and northeast in the winter.
· Reluctant - not wanting to do something.
· Vulnerable: able to get hurt/ able to get attack.
· Indicator: proofs.
3. What is the difference between “weather” and “climate”?
_Weather: how much wind, rain, sun, snow, or how hot or cold in a short time.
_ Climate: weather over a long time, averages for a seasons, years or months.
4. What are the examples listed in the article of “extreme weather”?
_Flooding in Pakistan, Heat waves in Russia.
5. What experiences have you had with “extreme weather”?
_There were droughts, flood and typhoon in Vietnam. Vietnam gets hotter than usual. At Mekong Delta, there are flood annualy.
6. What does the word “perception” mean?
_The word perception means the understanding of an issue and knowing what's happening around us.
7. What is your “perception” of global climate change?
_ The global warming is caused by a hole in the sky. Smoke from factories and vehicles creates that hole. Due to glob warming. The Earth gets hotter., so people suffer from droughts. The ice in North Pole is melted. Therefore, there are floods everywhere.