Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Homework for January 11th, 2011

1. Life in Vietnam would be perfect if everyone were totally equal.  Do you agree or disagree?  Explain your answer in complete sentences.  
  • I disagree with it.  Society should be partly fair.
  • Citizen should have some basic rights such as right of living, right of freedom and right of happiness.
  • However, if people who work hard and people who don't work hard, they have to pay more money for the people who work harder. 
2. You are designing a society in which everyone is equal. What are the laws?
  •       Always respects each other
  •       If they do something wrong, they have to accept the punishment
  •    No stealing or killing
  •    Helps people who don't have food or homeless.
  •    Helps children who don't have parents
  •    Children must go to school and study until 18 years old
  •    Just only can have 1 to 2 kids
3. What would you do to help people who were less capable mentally, physically, or socially to “catch up”?
  •  Teach them how to do things as a normal people
  •  Teach them about jobs and find jobs for them, 
  •  Give food, clothes or money to them,...
  •  Care about them
  • Tell good things about life and makes them feel in love with their life 
4. What problems can you foresee that might come in a society with laws that force “equality for all”? How would you handle those problems?
  • Society would have lots of crime because they are jealous of each other
   Þ Law should be strict.
  • Society wouldn't develop
  Þ People must get their rewards based on their effort.

5. Do you believe that total equality is possible, or would human nature make sure that some people would eventually dominate others?
  • I believe that human nature would make sure that some people would eventually dominate others because there will be some rich people and they have lots of money so they want to do anything they like. And poor people, they don't have money so they have to work for rich people. 
6. In what situations have you felt similarly to any of the characters? What persons, places, or ideas from your own experience came to mind while you were reading this story? Try to list as least two examples.
  • First, when I read this story, it makes me the time that my mom went into my room. And she searched for my diary . She opened it and read it. Then, I came home from school , i went into my room and she was reading it. I was mad at her and I said if I could have some private time. She shouldn't be reading it cos it was my DIARY :(                                  
  • Second, it was happened in semester 1 in Vietnamese class. We had a test of Geography. Those boys in my class didn't do it and they just made some noises and we couldn't do it. The teacher yelled at them already but they didn't listen and kept make noises. I stood up and just wanted to shot them :|                                                  

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